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Who are we?

Program hero

World Cup Kvitfjell - leaning forward and innovative

We create World Cup experiences for the future

Ole Kr

Vision and goal

Our longterm ambition is our vision, our leading star in everything we do. It will be our guide in the choises we take, it will motivate us and it will challenge us.

Our values should reflect our vision

We burn to create World Cup experiences outside the usual and give the little extra in the meeting with our guests, participants and cooperative partners.

We are thinking forward and seek development to push the experience of World Cup Kvitfjell forward and create attractive frames for our guests, participants and cooperative partners.

We have experience and professional competence. Together with sustainable operation we create safe and responsible frames for World Cup Kvitfjell and all who are part of the experience.

World Cup Kvitfjell Lanseringsfilm
We are snow

Our task is simple, as well as it is challenging

We shall deliver the world's best World Cup experiences by creating a happening, genuine and full of energi for all, secure the world's best accomplishment when it comes to sport and arrangement for innovation and development of the event.

Added value for local cooperative partners

A goal, a position we want to take. Facing cooperative partners, sponsors and audience. And, not least, facing the athletes..

Our ambition is that you should assosiate World Cup Kvitfjell with:

Quality minded
We deliver high quality in all links to create an extraordinary World Cup experience.

We create an experience full of energy and bring this energy with us in the encounter with guests, participants and cooperative partners.

We keep our feet well grounded and meet the world in an honest and open way.

We promise

We create world class World Cup events with a lot of energy that produces fantastic moments and guarantees chills

We shall give quality in all links. From race course to audience experience. We shall give the racers the best track of the year, and we shall become the peak of the year for the audience.

We must be a part of the solution, not the problem. Vi shall become the world's greenest winter event. We have strong focus on environment and sustainability in all links of our organization, and we have developed plans to reach this goal. For more information about our goals on sustainability:

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Travel and transport

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