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Environment / Sustainability

The Environment/Sustainability section plays a key role in ensuring that the World Cup is conducted in a way that reduces the environmental footprint and promotes sustainable solutions. The goal is to contribute to a greener future while ensuring that the event upholds environmental standards and follows relevant guidelines. This requires commitment and collaboration to implement sustainable measures throughout the event.


  • Participating in the planning of environmental and sustainability work in line with the action and progress plan from the organizing committee.
  • Leading and coordinating the volunteers and following up on the environmental efforts of the event organizers.
  • Ensuring that the event meets the requirements of the Eco-Lighthouse certification, including reporting in accordance with established routines.
  • Contributing to communication and dissemination of the event's environmental and sustainability work to participants, partners, and the public.
  • Ensuring that the event follows Plastsmart standards, focusing on reducing plastic consumption and responsibly managing plastic waste.
  • Organizing and coordinating waste sorting and disposal, as well as providing training on correct waste management for volunteers and participants.
  • Documenting sustainability efforts and establishing routines for future events so that experiences and solutions can be carried forward.
  • Post-event follow-up and reporting in Green Producers Tool.

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